Articles submitted to the Historical Society of Southern California Quarterly, 1945-1952.


Articles submitted to the Historical Society of Southern California Quarterly, 1945-1952.

Collection consists of about 40 original typescripts of articles by various persons, submitted to Joseph Gregg Layne, editor of the Historical Society of Southern California Quarterly, and later published in the Quarterly.

2 boxes (1 linear ft.)

Related Entities

There are 2 Entities related to this resource.

Layne, J. Gregg (Joseph Gregg), 1885-1952 (person)

Layne was born on June 13, 1885, in Huntington, WV; moved to Pomona, CA at age of four; graduated, Los Angeles High School, 1903; manager, LA office, Keuffel & Esser Co. of NY, 1904-19; mgr., Southwest div., Taylor Instruments Company, 1919-35; representative, Southwest div., Charles Bruning Co. of NY, 1939-47; historian, Dept. of Water and Power, LA, 1947-52; research staff, Huntington Library, 1945-47; consultant in Western Americana, UCLA Library, 1952; as a leading authority and bibliogr...

Historical Society of Southern California (corporateBody)